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WE OFFER BOTH BELBIN INTERPLACE 8 AND LEGACY 7 VERSIONS. AFTER PURCHASE YOU SHOULD RECEIVE AN INVITE FROM THE OFFICE TO REGISTER YOUR ACCOUNT WITH BELBIN AUSTRALIA.  A PDF COMES AUTOMATICALLY TO HELP YOU SEE THE BASIC NAVIGATION FUNCTIONS. CONTACT US IF YOU DO NOT RECEIVE IT WITHIN 3 HOURS.  If you have purchased multiple profiles for others, you will also be able to access a Belbin Account page to enter team member emails for the people you want to invite to complete a Belbin profile.  


This is the Belbin Individual Profile which features SPI (Self Perception Inventory) and optional Observers (these are free / part of the purchase price) which are highly recommended.  A minimum of 4 Observers are needed to generate some of the pages that compare self and observer views.  People are prompted by the system to invite their Observers by email.

Belbin Individual Profile - Registration Email will be sent to you

GST Included
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