"We've done a Belbin session, now what?"
5 Simple Steps to Keep Belbin Alive
One of Belbin’s great strengths is that the Model, profiles and reports are approachable and easy to use and apply. It does however require some very simple follow-through work to achieve optimal and lasting impact in the workplace.
‘Do It Yourself’ with a workplace champion or two.
Managers, HR, L&D or Training people can take on the responsibility to prompt some simple follow up discussions and steps to keep the positive process and energy alive:
1 – Have people read and reflect upon their own profiles
Have people reflect on their own profile (feel free to use the ‘How To Use My Profile’ guides and other free resources here - https://www.belbin.com.au/free-resources. Have some simple check in conversations to discuss where they are at with interpreting their own profile.
2 – Make sure that people are confident that their own profile is complete
Make sure people are happy with the quality of their SPI and selected Observers. It’s easy to give people who may have rushed an SPI or may wish to adjust their selected Observers the chance to do so. People may just need to have all Observers complete for them.
3 – De-brief a real-world project to help embed the language
Use Team Reports and the Team Circle Exercise to discuss and de-brief a real-world project or scenario using the ‘Belbin language’ within a few weeks of the session. This helps embed the language and any insights from the session in the workplace context.
4 – Have people develop one to one working relationship strategies
One to one conversations between members are useful for creating actual agreed strategies to leverage strengths, offset weaknesses and to create working relationship strategies for discussing clashes and conflicts that may naturally arise under pressure. Working Relationship Reports can help with this process, and the Belbin language helps to quantify strengths and weaknesses in a less confrontational manner.
5 – Use the Model and the Language to conduct regular ‘Team Check Ups’
Conduct ‘Team Role Check Ups’ when forming sub teams, or for reminding existing teams when engaging in important projects to keep the language going and the value of the insights gained alive.
Other useful approaches:
Belbin Accreditation
Whilst formal Accreditation in Belbin (a two day course) is not mandatory, it is very useful. Accreditation is an incredibly powerful aid to creating internal depth and capability for any planned follow-through and ongoing use of the Model.
Updated profiles as people and teams develop
As people and teams develop or change, it can also be useful to do a new profile (some clients look at every 12 months – 2 years depending upon changes that may have occurred).
This can help people to understand how well they are adapting behaviour to suit workplace needs and also managing any weaknesses.
The Belbin team are always available to you
Belbin team members, can also be contacted or brought in to assist with any of the above follow-through steps.
We are always available to assist.
Belbin Australia
1300 731 381