The latest Belbin online system is known as eInterplace 7 and it represents decades of ongoing research and the enhancement of both the model itself, and also online techniques for generating comprehensive profiles and reports.
This easy to use and fully online approach affords a simple and highly effective means of generating individual profiles and a wealth of other reports (e.g. Team Reports, Job Reports and Working Relationship Reports).
There are also Belbin approved manual (pen and paper) back ups for those rare occasions when a client may actually prefer an offline approach.
Participants simply use the allocated log in details, complete their Self Perception Inventory then request their Observers as required. Once these individual inputs are done, we can then generate team and relationship reports as required on the dynamics of any given team or combination of people.
If large numbers of profiles are being generated ongoing then acquiring your own full eInterplace account may be the way to go.
There are occasions though when a consultant or internal facilitator may not wish to acquire the whole eInterplace system as they may be requiring smaller volumes of profiles ona project basis.
In these instances we are delighted to create what are known as "Working Accounts" for you where sets of profiles can be generated as required for smaller volumes with virtually all of the benefits of owning your own system.
We are thus handling the administration of the system for you and can set your account to automatically email you PDF's of individual profiles as they are completed.