Belbin GetSet for Students
GetSet for Schools, Colleges and Universities
GetSet provides the valuable insights of Belbin and the Team Role language to an audience with less work experience.
GetSet is our highly "tailored for youth" version of the standard Belbin reports that have been designed for students or those who have little or no experience of the workplace.
GetSet can help schools impart valuable self knowledge with regards to teamwork and leadership skills. GetSet is also used to advise graduates and young people who are not employed to help choose the career path to which they are best suited.
WHAT AGES is it suitable for? Get Set gives advice to anyone who has yet to enter the world of work. It is generally suitable for ages 14 to 21:
School students or school leavers who are moving into employment
Those entering or engaged in higher / further education
Those entering the world of work for the first time
Individuals who are embarking on an apprenticeship
How does it WORK?
In the first instance, individuals complete a questionnaire which asks them to investigate their responses to
different situations they are likely to have encountered. If desired, they can then ask up to six family members,
friends and teachers to add an observer assessment, which enhances their Team Role feedback.
Get Set is based on the original Belbin Team Roles, derived from over nine years of research at Henley Management College. They are now used in thousands of companies across the world.
During his research, Meredith Belbin discovered that the most successful teams were not those with the highest intellect, but those balanced in Team Roles. Meredith identified nine Team Roles, each of which provided a unique contribution to a team situation.
ARTICLE: Strength Based Approaches to
Teamwork and Leadership for Youth